
Finished Games

All times below are converted to your local time (detected as )

# Title Player 1 Player 2 Winner No. of moves Last activity
403 Ivo x Nelson ivooferreiraa Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 14 2024-10-21T02:00:19Z
404 August1 Rui Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 54 2024-09-09T20:49:31Z
399 May Rui Edugon Rui 151 2024-08-27T11:05:03Z
387 Jaeras3 Edugon pragalmen Edugon 4 2024-02-07T15:28:28Z
391 4 Pheyus_PT xuxa Pheyus_PT 11 2024-01-13T02:00:48Z
383 105201112023 Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 376 2023-12-10T15:43:21Z
386 Jaeras2 Edugon Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 62 2023-11-22T21:08:27Z
385 Jaeras1 Edugon Pheyus_PT Edugon 28 2023-11-20T15:12:22Z
389 3 Pheyus_PT Pheyus_PT Pheyus_PT 51 2023-11-17T20:33:04Z
384 Estreia Pheyus_PT Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 34 2023-11-17T14:35:32Z
380 letsgo2 Rui Edugon Edugon 62 2023-11-17T01:27:04Z
378 Slb1 Edugon Rui Edugon 27 2023-11-01T10:10:38Z
379 Slb2 Edugon xuxa Edugon 9 2023-10-25T18:05:21Z
381 test_ajax_forced Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 5 2023-10-22T20:36:33Z
377 Treino Nelson Ferreira xuxa Nelson Ferreira 53 2023-10-16T19:01:26Z
374 1 xuxa xuxa xuxa 13 2023-10-16T18:17:27Z
376 um dia vou ganhar! xuxa Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 32 2023-10-16T18:13:53Z
372 Teste Jorgezuca Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 4 2023-10-03T02:00:46Z
371 1 Rui Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 94 2023-08-24T00:27:20Z
369 210010072023 Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira 45 2023-07-16T18:11:02Z
360 SLB1 Edugon Rui Rui 190 2023-07-14T20:17:55Z
368 1055240523 Nelson Ferreira pragalmen Nelson Ferreira 85 2023-06-23T19:55:32Z
362 SLB3 Edugon Rui Edugon 103 2023-05-27T16:56:30Z
367 Cotas 2 Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 80 2023-05-15T10:15:35Z
365 cotas1 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 101 2023-05-02T18:24:14Z
364 Cotas pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 65 2023-04-09T07:51:26Z
363 SLB4 Edugon Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 70 2023-04-01T14:20:57Z
361 SLB2 Edugon Fidalgo Edugon 41 2023-03-27T21:35:13Z
357 Xyx Fidalgo Rui Rui 84 2023-03-23T10:20:11Z
359 270220231310 Nelson Ferreira Edugon Nelson Ferreira 51 2023-03-13T00:16:29Z
353 Xx Fidalgo Edugon Fidalgo 153 2023-02-14T17:06:19Z
355 2101231233 Nelson Ferreira Rui Nelson Ferreira 71 2023-02-07T21:35:17Z
352 Xy Fidalgo Rui Rui 64 2023-02-07T20:16:04Z
346 t01.92 Rui Edugon Edugon 158 2023-02-05T22:14:46Z
354 2101231231 Nelson Ferreira Edugon Nelson Ferreira 55 2023-01-31T13:05:59Z
356 2101231234 Nelson Ferreira Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira 59 2023-01-30T19:00:14Z
347 t01.98 Rui Fidalgo Rui 25 2023-01-13T02:00:27Z
345 t01.086 Rui Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 82 2022-12-16T18:48:54Z
342 Giga-1 Serra-0 Gigaboy1995 Sse Sse 38 2022-12-15T02:00:39Z
348 t111.001 Rui Nelson Ferreira Rui 121 2022-12-03T23:53:30Z
336 Jogo 1 Sse Edugon Edugon 34 2022-11-30T07:24:40Z
321 Coleguinha Pereirinha Edugon Edugon 22 2022-11-30T02:00:37Z
343 Pipocas RubenCarvalho_v2.0 Faria Faria 50 2022-11-10T18:33:20Z
341 Let’s Play a Game Gigaboy1995 Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 52 2022-11-08T13:58:53Z
337 Já foste 2 Sse Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 36 2022-10-24T16:06:51Z
324 Prafrente Fidalgo Rui Rui 78 2022-10-23T17:53:44Z
325 J1 Edugon Rui Edugon 67 2022-10-22T11:42:45Z
340 Vamos a isto Gigaboy1995 Sse Gigaboy1995 65 2022-10-18T19:39:15Z
327 Nova vaga Fidalgo Edugon Edugon 108 2022-10-17T07:00:54Z
330 Designers Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 96 2022-10-11T20:37:24Z
331 Test Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 16 2022-10-08T15:35:16Z
323 mestres 8 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 57 2022-09-28T07:08:42Z
315 Experiencia Fidalgo Dai Fidalgo 39 2022-09-21T22:00:05Z
322 jogos novos 1 pragalmen Edugon pragalmen 49 2022-09-16T08:43:49Z
314 Jogo x Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 72 2022-09-09T19:12:04Z
319 123 Edugon pragalmen pragalmen 90 2022-09-09T17:42:16Z
317 Grand Maître Nelson Ferreira pragalmen Nelson Ferreira 97 2022-09-04T17:51:02Z
320 J0G0_CVX Rui Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 38 2022-08-30T15:29:46Z
273 SL1 Edugon Rui Rui 74 2022-08-22T15:27:10Z
313 Changes Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira 55 2022-08-11T07:39:28Z
112 Vitor e nelson Vitor Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 6 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
125 The Hand that rocked the BLOCK Paulorebel Edugon Edugon 28 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
149 Prafrente Fidalgo Paulorebel Fidalgo 11 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
271 Experimentar Rui Russis Rui 35 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
119 Blockados Paulorebel tcardoso tcardoso 36 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
64 Jjj Fidalgo tcardoso Fidalgo 39 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
143 test_timestamp_list_01 Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 6 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
109 J1 Edugon ivooferreiraa Edugon 13 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
148 Jogos Novos2 pragalmen Paulorebel pragalmen 11 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
139 Long long time ago Nelson Ferreira dindasgonçalves Nelson Ferreira 9 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
29 Test_mobile Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 14 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
36 Divina 101 Pierre Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 10 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
31 Jedi João Seixas Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 12 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
229 AAAA nunao33 Rui Rui 8 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
126 Link PLink ivooferreiraa ivooferreiraa 4 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
71 123 ivooferreiraa Fidalgo Fidalgo 28 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
140 1234 TIAGOV Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 6 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z
279 Rematch Dai Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 66 2022-08-02T15:57:18Z
278 Test 4 Nelson Ferreira Dai Nelson Ferreira 51 2022-07-22T17:25:31Z
277 test3 Dai Dai Dai 75 2022-07-12T08:46:23Z
276 Test2 Dai Dai Dai 67 2022-07-12T06:27:21Z
275 Test Dai Dai Dai 75 2022-07-12T06:07:23Z
266 mestres7 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 137 2022-07-08T23:50:58Z
252 Vamos2 Rui Fidalgo Rui 51 2022-07-03T15:06:04Z
257 Serie 2 - J4 Ricardo Gonçalves Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves 61 2022-06-30T23:43:44Z
267 Jogo 1/4 Nelson Ferreira pragalmen Nelson Ferreira 67 2022-06-28T17:44:05Z
269 Jogo 3/4 Nelson Ferreira Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira 61 2022-06-27T22:02:48Z
270 Jogo 4/4 Nelson Ferreira Edugon Nelson Ferreira 53 2022-06-27T21:40:10Z
268 Jogo 2/4 Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira 71 2022-06-24T20:52:50Z
265 Jogo0 Edugon pragalmen pragalmen 90 2022-06-21T12:59:52Z
251 Nos Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 96 2022-06-15T17:52:17Z
255 Serie 2 - J2 Ricardo Gonçalves pragalmen pragalmen 142 2022-06-14T19:29:38Z
260 Serie 2 - J7 Ricardo Gonçalves Rui Ricardo Gonçalves 71 2022-06-12T23:38:14Z
256 Serie 2 - J3 Ricardo Gonçalves Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves 61 2022-06-08T14:41:36Z
264 Jogo10 Edugon Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 42 2022-06-06T20:37:02Z
247 Gostamos disto Fidalgo Edugon Edugon 102 2022-06-06T17:35:37Z
258 Serie 2 - J5 Ricardo Gonçalves Moringer Ricardo Gonçalves 45 2022-06-06T14:38:47Z
263 Game check Nelson Ferreira Edugon Nelson Ferreira 45 2022-06-02T13:28:38Z
254 Serie 2 - J1 Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves 251 2022-04-28T22:00:15Z
253 Ben Edugon Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 66 2022-04-13T13:17:32Z
245 Treino Nelson Ferreira Edugon Nelson Ferreira 93 2022-04-11T09:13:01Z
243 showing Rui Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 42 2022-04-10T22:35:03Z
238 Vamos Fidalgo Rui Rui 84 2022-04-04T20:35:27Z
248 Teste desistir Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 76 2022-03-31T17:58:09Z
164 Serie 1 - J5 Ricardo Gonçalves tcardoso Ricardo Gonçalves 87 2022-03-31T17:35:47Z
242 Star Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 28 2022-03-23T22:05:58Z
241 Block Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 144 2022-03-21T23:13:00Z
236 Block Blocked by blocks Rui Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 48 2022-03-16T00:45:26Z
239 Tamos fixe Fidalgo Edugon Edugon 72 2022-03-15T19:48:06Z
237 Mar e Sol Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 70 2022-03-15T18:19:42Z
219 Blockers 1 Nelson Ferreira pragalmen pragalmen 138 2022-03-14T21:12:26Z
240 Prof/aluno Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 54 2022-03-14T18:24:33Z
235 Strong Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 28 2022-03-13T19:14:12Z
217 Carritos Edugon Rui Edugon 81 2022-03-10T23:09:20Z
210 Continuação Fidalgo Rui Fidalgo 105 2022-03-10T22:12:48Z
233 Vamos ver se aprendeste Fidalgo Edugon Fidalgo 53 2022-03-10T20:58:42Z
226 Liga caparica Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 52 2022-03-09T19:22:59Z
234 Jogo 4 Moringer Fidalgo Fidalgo 26 2022-03-08T22:19:45Z
223 Blockers 5 Nelson Ferreira Rui Nelson Ferreira 59 2022-03-07T01:43:08Z
227 Star Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 54 2022-03-06T23:57:12Z
218 Try 1116616489164165664 Rui Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 76 2022-03-05T21:49:48Z
222 Blockers 4 Nelson Ferreira Edugon Nelson Ferreira 53 2022-03-03T00:05:18Z
221 Blockers 3 Nelson Ferreira Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira 103 2022-03-02T23:13:52Z
225 Brevior Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 20 2022-03-02T00:09:44Z
224 breviore ludo Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 24 2022-03-01T23:34:21Z
220 Blockers 2 Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira 45 2022-03-01T23:18:25Z
162 Serie 1 - J3 Ricardo Gonçalves Edugon Edugon 142 2022-02-26T23:07:29Z
202 Game3 Fidalgo Moringer Fidalgo 65 2022-02-24T22:43:36Z
216 mestres6 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 75 2022-02-24T22:34:49Z
200 O jogo Fidalgo Edugon Fidalgo 145 2022-02-24T20:22:54Z
215 N jogadas é trivial Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 372 2022-02-24T03:13:06Z
212 Passar as 285 jogadas! Rui Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 54 2022-02-24T02:54:50Z
211 Serie 3 Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 152 2022-02-23T22:18:42Z
147 Jogos Novos1 pragalmen Rui pragalmen 73 2022-02-23T08:11:48Z
208 Obrigado pela ajuda :) Ricardo Gonçalves Rui Rui 168 2022-02-22T02:39:10Z
157 Jogo2 Edugon Rui Edugon 37 2022-02-21T20:23:20Z
207 Jogo1 Moringer Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 26 2022-02-21T00:22:31Z
205 Compadres Nelson Ferreira Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira 79 2022-02-19T10:15:21Z
142 Segunda Leva Rui Fidalgo Fidalgo 70 2022-02-18T16:22:51Z
203 VelhA guardA Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 174 2022-02-18T13:54:46Z
204 Castro d'Aire Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira 53 2022-02-14T23:20:46Z
160 Serie 1 - J1 Ricardo Gonçalves pragalmen Ricardo Gonçalves 285 2022-02-12T02:12:33Z
201 Série 2 j1 Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 66 2022-02-11T22:09:46Z
167 Nos Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 74 2022-02-10T22:59:35Z
166 Recordações Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 48 2022-02-09T13:49:02Z
159 mestres5 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 113 2022-02-08T21:31:02Z
161 Serie 1 - J2 Ricardo Gonçalves Fidalgo Fidalgo 120 2022-02-08T02:31:06Z
165 Serie 1 - J6 Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 38 2022-02-08T00:18:11Z
158 Prafrente Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 94 2022-02-04T22:34:16Z
155 Velha guarda Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 114 2022-02-02T16:40:29Z
153 Good Old Times Nelson Ferreira pragalmen Nelson Ferreira 59 2022-02-01T14:08:12Z
110 Game2 Fidalgo Moringer Fidalgo 127 2022-01-30T19:48:23Z
145 Good Times Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira 107 2022-01-29T22:56:54Z
146 Jogos Novos pragalmen Edugon pragalmen 35 2022-01-29T13:24:34Z
154 Good Ancient Times Nelson Ferreira Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira 51 2022-01-29T01:05:00Z
127 My first PLink Fidalgo Fidalgo 42 2022-01-29T00:42:29Z
124 Experimentar Rui Paulorebel Paulorebel 46 2022-01-28T15:58:46Z
144 Bons jogos IV Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 52 2022-01-27T16:42:48Z
121 Já que estamos nisto... Ricardo Gonçalves Paulorebel Ricardo Gonçalves 53 2022-01-26T18:36:11Z
111 Teste ll Fidalgo Edugon Fidalgo 65 2022-01-24T21:58:26Z
141 NOS Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 80 2022-01-24T19:48:32Z
131 Jogo_N.4 Rui Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 54 2022-01-24T00:48:59Z
122 UTURN Paulorebel Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 40 2022-01-23T18:40:13Z
135 Jogo_N.5 Rui Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 26 2022-01-23T13:58:18Z
134 mestres4 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 51 2022-01-23T08:22:08Z
133 Novos desafios pragalmen Ricardo Gonçalves pragalmen 89 2022-01-22T21:21:08Z
132 Boas vindas Fidalgo Rui Fidalgo 35 2022-01-22T16:53:57Z
130 Jogo_n.3 Rui Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 40 2022-01-21T16:48:54Z
113 J2 Edugon Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 62 2022-01-20T14:21:09Z
107 Bons jogos lll Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 118 2022-01-20T00:00:14Z
128 jogo_N.2 Rui Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 36 2022-01-19T14:33:08Z
116 New Times Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira 43 2022-01-19T00:37:10Z
114 Old Times Nelson Ferreira Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira 61 2022-01-18T20:49:02Z
73 mestres3 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 115 2022-01-18T19:39:46Z
115 Old Times Nelson Ferreira pragalmen Nelson Ferreira 63 2022-01-18T15:38:01Z
106 Experiencia Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 62 2022-01-16T19:35:20Z
69 Teste2 Edugon Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 54 2022-01-16T12:43:27Z
74 mestres3 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 37 2022-01-15T09:51:47Z
108 game1 Moringer Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 38 2022-01-12T23:17:25Z
66 Teste Edugon Fidalgo Fidalgo 40 2022-01-12T22:26:02Z
70 VG Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 136 2022-01-12T19:47:11Z
68 Treino Nelson Ferreira Edugon Nelson Ferreira 35 2022-01-12T18:56:38Z
67 Nova era Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 102 2022-01-12T08:39:54Z
72 Muito afecto Fidalgo Fidalgo Fidalgo 30 2022-01-11T16:46:57Z
53 Bons jogos ll Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 72 2022-01-10T21:31:44Z
51 Mestres2 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 87 2022-01-10T17:13:37Z
52 Aquecimento2 pragalmen Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 80 2022-01-09T13:30:59Z
49 Bons jogos. Desforra? Ricardo Gonçalves Fidalgo Fidalgo 166 2022-01-05T01:12:37Z
50 Prova dos nove Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 50 2022-01-01T00:17:33Z
43 Mestres pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 117 2021-12-30T22:02:07Z
41 Peskisa Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Fidalgo 61 2021-12-30T17:30:23Z
44 Ex Fidalgo Ricardo Gonçalves Fidalgo 55 2021-12-29T22:28:15Z
45 Rematch Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 76 2021-12-28T01:12:55Z
42 Champion Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 42 2021-12-15T21:45:09Z
40 kotas3 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 77 2021-12-15T15:08:49Z
39 Designing Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira 31 2021-12-02T15:15:52Z
38 Kotas 2 pragalmen Fidalgo pragalmen 59 2021-11-19T14:02:41Z
34 Kotas Fidalgo pragalmen pragalmen 100 2021-11-08T19:55:16Z
35 Rematch Nelson Ferreira Fidalgo Nelson Ferreira 85 2021-10-20T08:56:37Z
28 aquecimento pragalmen Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 56 2021-10-17T19:01:30Z
33 Tutorial Ricardo Gonçalves Strovik Ricardo Gonçalves 125 2021-09-20T22:51:06Z
32 Bora Nessa Banessa Peneda1 tcardoso Peneda1 49 2021-09-19T13:28:44Z
30 Aguenta-te com esta tcardoso Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 88 2021-08-06T11:21:35Z
27 Velha guarda Sse Nelson Ferreira Nelson Ferreira 28 2021-07-21T22:55:49Z
24 heroku_test_02 Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 69 2021-07-18T18:40:33Z
23 AfonsoWillLoseRicardoWillWin Afonso Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 58 2021-06-02T22:05:14Z
22 Teste 2 Ricardo Gonçalves Paulorebel Ricardo Gonçalves 57 2021-01-18T23:31:08Z
21 Teste 1 Nelson Ferreira Ricardo Gonçalves Nelson Ferreira 49 2021-01-18T22:45:32Z
20 test_game_socket_01 Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves Ricardo Gonçalves 43 2021-01-18T21:14:02Z
# Game Info
403 Ivo x Nelson

ivooferreiraa vs Nelson Ferreira

14 moves - 2024-10-21T02:00:19Z

404 August1

Rui vs Nelson Ferreira

54 moves - 2024-09-09T20:49:31Z

399 May

Rui vs Edugon

151 moves - 2024-08-27T11:05:03Z

387 Jaeras3

Edugon vs pragalmen

4 moves - 2024-02-07T15:28:28Z

391 4

Pheyus_PT vs xuxa

11 moves - 2024-01-13T02:00:48Z

383 105201112023

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

376 moves - 2023-12-10T15:43:21Z

386 Jaeras2

Edugon vs Ricardo Gonçalves

62 moves - 2023-11-22T21:08:27Z

385 Jaeras1

Edugon vs Pheyus_PT

28 moves - 2023-11-20T15:12:22Z

389 3

Pheyus_PT vs Pheyus_PT

51 moves - 2023-11-17T20:33:04Z

384 Estreia

Pheyus_PT vs Nelson Ferreira

34 moves - 2023-11-17T14:35:32Z

380 letsgo2

Rui vs Edugon

62 moves - 2023-11-17T01:27:04Z

378 Slb1

Edugon vs Rui

27 moves - 2023-11-01T10:10:38Z

379 Slb2

Edugon vs xuxa

9 moves - 2023-10-25T18:05:21Z

381 test_ajax_forced

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Ricardo Gonçalves

5 moves - 2023-10-22T20:36:33Z

377 Treino

Nelson Ferreira vs xuxa

53 moves - 2023-10-16T19:01:26Z

374 1

xuxa vs xuxa

13 moves - 2023-10-16T18:17:27Z

376 um dia vou ganhar!

xuxa vs Nelson Ferreira

32 moves - 2023-10-16T18:13:53Z

372 Teste

Jorgezuca vs Nelson Ferreira

4 moves - 2023-10-03T02:00:46Z

371 1

Rui vs Nelson Ferreira

94 moves - 2023-08-24T00:27:20Z

369 210010072023

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

45 moves - 2023-07-16T18:11:02Z

360 SLB1

Edugon vs Rui

190 moves - 2023-07-14T20:17:55Z

368 1055240523

Nelson Ferreira vs pragalmen

85 moves - 2023-06-23T19:55:32Z

362 SLB3

Edugon vs Rui

103 moves - 2023-05-27T16:56:30Z

367 Cotas 2

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

80 moves - 2023-05-15T10:15:35Z

365 cotas1

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

101 moves - 2023-05-02T18:24:14Z

364 Cotas

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

65 moves - 2023-04-09T07:51:26Z

363 SLB4

Edugon vs Ricardo Gonçalves

70 moves - 2023-04-01T14:20:57Z

361 SLB2

Edugon vs Fidalgo

41 moves - 2023-03-27T21:35:13Z

357 Xyx

Fidalgo vs Rui

84 moves - 2023-03-23T10:20:11Z

359 270220231310

Nelson Ferreira vs Edugon

51 moves - 2023-03-13T00:16:29Z

353 Xx

Fidalgo vs Edugon

153 moves - 2023-02-14T17:06:19Z

355 2101231233

Nelson Ferreira vs Rui

71 moves - 2023-02-07T21:35:17Z

352 Xy

Fidalgo vs Rui

64 moves - 2023-02-07T20:16:04Z

346 t01.92

Rui vs Edugon

158 moves - 2023-02-05T22:14:46Z

354 2101231231

Nelson Ferreira vs Edugon

55 moves - 2023-01-31T13:05:59Z

356 2101231234

Nelson Ferreira vs Fidalgo

59 moves - 2023-01-30T19:00:14Z

347 t01.98

Rui vs Fidalgo

25 moves - 2023-01-13T02:00:27Z

345 t01.086

Rui vs Ricardo Gonçalves

82 moves - 2022-12-16T18:48:54Z

342 Giga-1 Serra-0

Gigaboy1995 vs Sse

38 moves - 2022-12-15T02:00:39Z

348 t111.001

Rui vs Nelson Ferreira

121 moves - 2022-12-03T23:53:30Z

336 Jogo 1

Sse vs Edugon

34 moves - 2022-11-30T07:24:40Z

321 Coleguinha

Pereirinha vs Edugon

22 moves - 2022-11-30T02:00:37Z

343 Pipocas

RubenCarvalho_v2.0 vs Faria

50 moves - 2022-11-10T18:33:20Z

341 Let’s Play a Game

Gigaboy1995 vs Nelson Ferreira

52 moves - 2022-11-08T13:58:53Z

337 Já foste 2

Sse vs Nelson Ferreira

36 moves - 2022-10-24T16:06:51Z

324 Prafrente

Fidalgo vs Rui

78 moves - 2022-10-23T17:53:44Z

325 J1

Edugon vs Rui

67 moves - 2022-10-22T11:42:45Z

340 Vamos a isto

Gigaboy1995 vs Sse

65 moves - 2022-10-18T19:39:15Z

327 Nova vaga

Fidalgo vs Edugon

108 moves - 2022-10-17T07:00:54Z

330 Designers

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

96 moves - 2022-10-11T20:37:24Z

331 Test

Nelson Ferreira vs Nelson Ferreira

16 moves - 2022-10-08T15:35:16Z

323 mestres 8

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

57 moves - 2022-09-28T07:08:42Z

315 Experiencia

Fidalgo vs Dai

39 moves - 2022-09-21T22:00:05Z

322 jogos novos 1

pragalmen vs Edugon

49 moves - 2022-09-16T08:43:49Z

314 Jogo x

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

72 moves - 2022-09-09T19:12:04Z

319 123

Edugon vs pragalmen

90 moves - 2022-09-09T17:42:16Z

317 Grand Maître

Nelson Ferreira vs pragalmen

97 moves - 2022-09-04T17:51:02Z

320 J0G0_CVX

Rui vs Nelson Ferreira

38 moves - 2022-08-30T15:29:46Z

273 SL1

Edugon vs Rui

74 moves - 2022-08-22T15:27:10Z

313 Changes

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

55 moves - 2022-08-11T07:39:28Z

112 Vitor e nelson

Vitor vs Nelson Ferreira

6 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

125 The Hand that rocked the BLOCK

Paulorebel vs Edugon

28 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

149 Prafrente

Fidalgo vs Paulorebel

11 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

271 Experimentar

Rui vs Russis

35 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

119 Blockados

Paulorebel vs tcardoso

36 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

64 Jjj

Fidalgo vs tcardoso

39 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

143 test_timestamp_list_01

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Ricardo Gonçalves

6 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

109 J1

Edugon vs ivooferreiraa

13 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

148 Jogos Novos2

pragalmen vs Paulorebel

11 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

139 Long long time ago

Nelson Ferreira vs dindasgonçalves

9 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

29 Test_mobile

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Ricardo Gonçalves

14 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

36 Divina 101

Pierre vs Nelson Ferreira

10 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

31 Jedi

João Seixas vs Nelson Ferreira

12 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

229 AAAA

nunao33 vs Rui

8 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

126 Link

PLink vs ivooferreiraa

4 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

71 123

ivooferreiraa vs Fidalgo

28 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

140 1234

TIAGOV vs Nelson Ferreira

6 moves - 2022-08-06T02:13:32Z

279 Rematch

Dai vs Nelson Ferreira

66 moves - 2022-08-02T15:57:18Z

278 Test 4

Nelson Ferreira vs Dai

51 moves - 2022-07-22T17:25:31Z

277 test3

Dai vs Dai

75 moves - 2022-07-12T08:46:23Z

276 Test2

Dai vs Dai

67 moves - 2022-07-12T06:27:21Z

275 Test

Dai vs Dai

75 moves - 2022-07-12T06:07:23Z

266 mestres7

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

137 moves - 2022-07-08T23:50:58Z

252 Vamos2

Rui vs Fidalgo

51 moves - 2022-07-03T15:06:04Z

257 Serie 2 - J4

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Fidalgo

61 moves - 2022-06-30T23:43:44Z

267 Jogo 1/4

Nelson Ferreira vs pragalmen

67 moves - 2022-06-28T17:44:05Z

269 Jogo 3/4

Nelson Ferreira vs Fidalgo

61 moves - 2022-06-27T22:02:48Z

270 Jogo 4/4

Nelson Ferreira vs Edugon

53 moves - 2022-06-27T21:40:10Z

268 Jogo 2/4

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

71 moves - 2022-06-24T20:52:50Z

265 Jogo0

Edugon vs pragalmen

90 moves - 2022-06-21T12:59:52Z

251 Nos

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

96 moves - 2022-06-15T17:52:17Z

255 Serie 2 - J2

Ricardo Gonçalves vs pragalmen

142 moves - 2022-06-14T19:29:38Z

260 Serie 2 - J7

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Rui

71 moves - 2022-06-12T23:38:14Z

256 Serie 2 - J3

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Fidalgo

61 moves - 2022-06-08T14:41:36Z

264 Jogo10

Edugon vs Nelson Ferreira

42 moves - 2022-06-06T20:37:02Z

247 Gostamos disto

Fidalgo vs Edugon

102 moves - 2022-06-06T17:35:37Z

258 Serie 2 - J5

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Moringer

45 moves - 2022-06-06T14:38:47Z

263 Game check

Nelson Ferreira vs Edugon

45 moves - 2022-06-02T13:28:38Z

254 Serie 2 - J1

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Nelson Ferreira

251 moves - 2022-04-28T22:00:15Z

253 Ben

Edugon vs Nelson Ferreira

66 moves - 2022-04-13T13:17:32Z

245 Treino

Nelson Ferreira vs Edugon

93 moves - 2022-04-11T09:13:01Z

243 showing

Rui vs Nelson Ferreira

42 moves - 2022-04-10T22:35:03Z

238 Vamos

Fidalgo vs Rui

84 moves - 2022-04-04T20:35:27Z

248 Teste desistir

Nelson Ferreira vs Nelson Ferreira

76 moves - 2022-03-31T17:58:09Z

164 Serie 1 - J5

Ricardo Gonçalves vs tcardoso

87 moves - 2022-03-31T17:35:47Z

242 Star

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

28 moves - 2022-03-23T22:05:58Z

241 Block

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

144 moves - 2022-03-21T23:13:00Z

236 Block Blocked by blocks

Rui vs Nelson Ferreira

48 moves - 2022-03-16T00:45:26Z

239 Tamos fixe

Fidalgo vs Edugon

72 moves - 2022-03-15T19:48:06Z

237 Mar e Sol

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

70 moves - 2022-03-15T18:19:42Z

219 Blockers 1

Nelson Ferreira vs pragalmen

138 moves - 2022-03-14T21:12:26Z

240 Prof/aluno

Fidalgo vs Nelson Ferreira

54 moves - 2022-03-14T18:24:33Z

235 Strong

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

28 moves - 2022-03-13T19:14:12Z

217 Carritos

Edugon vs Rui

81 moves - 2022-03-10T23:09:20Z

210 Continuação

Fidalgo vs Rui

105 moves - 2022-03-10T22:12:48Z

233 Vamos ver se aprendeste

Fidalgo vs Edugon

53 moves - 2022-03-10T20:58:42Z

226 Liga caparica

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

52 moves - 2022-03-09T19:22:59Z

234 Jogo 4

Moringer vs Fidalgo

26 moves - 2022-03-08T22:19:45Z

223 Blockers 5

Nelson Ferreira vs Rui

59 moves - 2022-03-07T01:43:08Z

227 Star

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

54 moves - 2022-03-06T23:57:12Z

218 Try 1116616489164165664

Rui vs Ricardo Gonçalves

76 moves - 2022-03-05T21:49:48Z

222 Blockers 4

Nelson Ferreira vs Edugon

53 moves - 2022-03-03T00:05:18Z

221 Blockers 3

Nelson Ferreira vs Fidalgo

103 moves - 2022-03-02T23:13:52Z

225 Brevior

Nelson Ferreira vs Nelson Ferreira

20 moves - 2022-03-02T00:09:44Z

224 breviore ludo

Nelson Ferreira vs Nelson Ferreira

24 moves - 2022-03-01T23:34:21Z

220 Blockers 2

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

45 moves - 2022-03-01T23:18:25Z

162 Serie 1 - J3

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Edugon

142 moves - 2022-02-26T23:07:29Z

202 Game3

Fidalgo vs Moringer

65 moves - 2022-02-24T22:43:36Z

216 mestres6

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

75 moves - 2022-02-24T22:34:49Z

200 O jogo

Fidalgo vs Edugon

145 moves - 2022-02-24T20:22:54Z

215 N jogadas é trivial

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Ricardo Gonçalves

372 moves - 2022-02-24T03:13:06Z

212 Passar as 285 jogadas!

Rui vs Ricardo Gonçalves

54 moves - 2022-02-24T02:54:50Z

211 Serie 3

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

152 moves - 2022-02-23T22:18:42Z

147 Jogos Novos1

pragalmen vs Rui

73 moves - 2022-02-23T08:11:48Z

208 Obrigado pela ajuda :)

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Rui

168 moves - 2022-02-22T02:39:10Z

157 Jogo2

Edugon vs Rui

37 moves - 2022-02-21T20:23:20Z

207 Jogo1

Moringer vs Nelson Ferreira

26 moves - 2022-02-21T00:22:31Z

205 Compadres

Nelson Ferreira vs Fidalgo

79 moves - 2022-02-19T10:15:21Z

142 Segunda Leva

Rui vs Fidalgo

70 moves - 2022-02-18T16:22:51Z

203 VelhA guardA

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

174 moves - 2022-02-18T13:54:46Z

204 Castro d'Aire

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

53 moves - 2022-02-14T23:20:46Z

160 Serie 1 - J1

Ricardo Gonçalves vs pragalmen

285 moves - 2022-02-12T02:12:33Z

201 Série 2 j1

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

66 moves - 2022-02-11T22:09:46Z

167 Nos

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

74 moves - 2022-02-10T22:59:35Z

166 Recordações

Fidalgo vs Nelson Ferreira

48 moves - 2022-02-09T13:49:02Z

159 mestres5

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

113 moves - 2022-02-08T21:31:02Z

161 Serie 1 - J2

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Fidalgo

120 moves - 2022-02-08T02:31:06Z

165 Serie 1 - J6

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Nelson Ferreira

38 moves - 2022-02-08T00:18:11Z

158 Prafrente

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

94 moves - 2022-02-04T22:34:16Z

155 Velha guarda

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

114 moves - 2022-02-02T16:40:29Z

153 Good Old Times

Nelson Ferreira vs pragalmen

59 moves - 2022-02-01T14:08:12Z

110 Game2

Fidalgo vs Moringer

127 moves - 2022-01-30T19:48:23Z

145 Good Times

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

107 moves - 2022-01-29T22:56:54Z

146 Jogos Novos

pragalmen vs Edugon

35 moves - 2022-01-29T13:24:34Z

154 Good Ancient Times

Nelson Ferreira vs Fidalgo

51 moves - 2022-01-29T01:05:00Z

127 My first

PLink vs Fidalgo

42 moves - 2022-01-29T00:42:29Z

124 Experimentar

Rui vs Paulorebel

46 moves - 2022-01-28T15:58:46Z

144 Bons jogos IV

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

52 moves - 2022-01-27T16:42:48Z

121 Já que estamos nisto...

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Paulorebel

53 moves - 2022-01-26T18:36:11Z

111 Teste ll

Fidalgo vs Edugon

65 moves - 2022-01-24T21:58:26Z

141 NOS

Fidalgo vs Nelson Ferreira

80 moves - 2022-01-24T19:48:32Z

131 Jogo_N.4

Rui vs Ricardo Gonçalves

54 moves - 2022-01-24T00:48:59Z


Paulorebel vs Ricardo Gonçalves

40 moves - 2022-01-23T18:40:13Z

135 Jogo_N.5

Rui vs Nelson Ferreira

26 moves - 2022-01-23T13:58:18Z

134 mestres4

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

51 moves - 2022-01-23T08:22:08Z

133 Novos desafios

pragalmen vs Ricardo Gonçalves

89 moves - 2022-01-22T21:21:08Z

132 Boas vindas

Fidalgo vs Rui

35 moves - 2022-01-22T16:53:57Z

130 Jogo_n.3

Rui vs Nelson Ferreira

40 moves - 2022-01-21T16:48:54Z

113 J2

Edugon vs Nelson Ferreira

62 moves - 2022-01-20T14:21:09Z

107 Bons jogos lll

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

118 moves - 2022-01-20T00:00:14Z

128 jogo_N.2

Rui vs Nelson Ferreira

36 moves - 2022-01-19T14:33:08Z

116 New Times

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

43 moves - 2022-01-19T00:37:10Z

114 Old Times

Nelson Ferreira vs Fidalgo

61 moves - 2022-01-18T20:49:02Z

73 mestres3

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

115 moves - 2022-01-18T19:39:46Z

115 Old Times

Nelson Ferreira vs pragalmen

63 moves - 2022-01-18T15:38:01Z

106 Experiencia

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

62 moves - 2022-01-16T19:35:20Z

69 Teste2

Edugon vs Nelson Ferreira

54 moves - 2022-01-16T12:43:27Z

74 mestres3

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

37 moves - 2022-01-15T09:51:47Z

108 game1

Moringer vs Nelson Ferreira

38 moves - 2022-01-12T23:17:25Z

66 Teste

Edugon vs Fidalgo

40 moves - 2022-01-12T22:26:02Z

70 VG

Fidalgo vs Nelson Ferreira

136 moves - 2022-01-12T19:47:11Z

68 Treino

Nelson Ferreira vs Edugon

35 moves - 2022-01-12T18:56:38Z

67 Nova era

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

102 moves - 2022-01-12T08:39:54Z

72 Muito afecto

Fidalgo vs Fidalgo

30 moves - 2022-01-11T16:46:57Z

53 Bons jogos ll

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

72 moves - 2022-01-10T21:31:44Z

51 Mestres2

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

87 moves - 2022-01-10T17:13:37Z

52 Aquecimento2

pragalmen vs Nelson Ferreira

80 moves - 2022-01-09T13:30:59Z

49 Bons jogos. Desforra?

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Fidalgo

166 moves - 2022-01-05T01:12:37Z

50 Prova dos nove

Fidalgo vs Nelson Ferreira

50 moves - 2022-01-01T00:17:33Z

43 Mestres

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

117 moves - 2021-12-30T22:02:07Z

41 Peskisa

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

61 moves - 2021-12-30T17:30:23Z

44 Ex

Fidalgo vs Ricardo Gonçalves

55 moves - 2021-12-29T22:28:15Z

45 Rematch

Fidalgo vs Nelson Ferreira

76 moves - 2021-12-28T01:12:55Z

42 Champion

Fidalgo vs Nelson Ferreira

42 moves - 2021-12-15T21:45:09Z

40 kotas3

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

77 moves - 2021-12-15T15:08:49Z

39 Designing

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

31 moves - 2021-12-02T15:15:52Z

38 Kotas 2

pragalmen vs Fidalgo

59 moves - 2021-11-19T14:02:41Z

34 Kotas

Fidalgo vs pragalmen

100 moves - 2021-11-08T19:55:16Z

35 Rematch

Nelson Ferreira vs Fidalgo

85 moves - 2021-10-20T08:56:37Z

28 aquecimento

pragalmen vs Nelson Ferreira

56 moves - 2021-10-17T19:01:30Z

33 Tutorial

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Strovik

125 moves - 2021-09-20T22:51:06Z

32 Bora Nessa Banessa

Peneda1 vs tcardoso

49 moves - 2021-09-19T13:28:44Z

30 Aguenta-te com esta

tcardoso vs Nelson Ferreira

88 moves - 2021-08-06T11:21:35Z

27 Velha guarda

Sse vs Nelson Ferreira

28 moves - 2021-07-21T22:55:49Z

24 heroku_test_02

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Ricardo Gonçalves

69 moves - 2021-07-18T18:40:33Z

23 AfonsoWillLoseRicardoWillWin

Afonso vs Ricardo Gonçalves

58 moves - 2021-06-02T22:05:14Z

22 Teste 2

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Paulorebel

57 moves - 2021-01-18T23:31:08Z

21 Teste 1

Nelson Ferreira vs Ricardo Gonçalves

49 moves - 2021-01-18T22:45:32Z

20 test_game_socket_01

Ricardo Gonçalves vs Ricardo Gonçalves

43 moves - 2021-01-18T21:14:02Z